The body amplifying community voices
This page will track changing Senate members over time and provide a few details about Kujira Senators.
Senator tags
The Kujira Discord has a Senator role that will be given to all current and active Senators. When talking to Senators via Discord, please make sure that they have the Senator role in the main Kujira Discord to ensure that they are who they say they are.
The Kujira main Telegram chat has a Senator tag which will be given to all current and active Senators. When talking to Senators via Telegram, please make sure that they have the Senator tag in the main Kujira telegram chat to ensure that they are who they say they are.
Current Senators
These are the current Senators:
Daniel Lux
Danny (Togwos of Kuji Kast)
Maximus D (Maximus of Kuji Kast)
Oldboy (Oldboy Kuji)
PFC (PFC Validator)
Ryan Lion
Vanessa Harris (Technology Poet)
Vladimir GG (Qwerto Alivus)
Genesis Senators
These are Kujira's 9 Genesis Senators who were elected by the community in our first elections:
Daniel Lux
Danny (Togwos of Kuji Kast)
Maximus D (Maximus of Kuji Kast)
Oldboy (Oldboy Kuji)
PFC (PFC Validator)
Ryan Lion
Vanessa Harris (Technology Poet)
Vladimir GG (Qwerto Alivus)
Last updated