How to Swap tokens
Follow these steps to Swap tokens using the BLUE swap interface.
Navigate to
Connect on the top right to your Keplr or Sonar wallet by clicking the connect wallet button and selecting the corresponding wallet (Keplr or Sonar)
On the left side, select an asset from the list that you would like to trade away
On the right side, select the token that you would like to receive upon swapping (you can only choose tokens that have direct FIN pairs with the asset you first chose). Let's call this Token A.
Back on the left side, enter the amount of token A that you’d like to sell. On the right side, the corresponding amount of tokens to be bought, will be displayed. Let's call this token B.
Next, if you would like to trade using advanced settings, click the toggle next to the white text that reads “Advanced”, otherwise skip to the second to last step.
By clicking on "Advanced", swap fee, price impact, and slippage limits are displayed. Choose a desired slippage limit. (Lower slippage is better when possible)
Next, if you would only like to trade at a fixed swap price based on the two assets’ current prices, click the white text “Fixed Price swap", if not skip down to the second to last step.
Fixed Swap Rate (the current amount of token B bought per every token A sold), return after fees, and estimated amount filled instantly are displayed. Select the BLUE fixed price swap button if you’d like to swap using the current fixed rate.
Otherwise, select the BLUE instant swap button and pay gas fees.
Last updated