Stake / Unstake
The stake / unstake tab allows you to stake or unstake LPs to or from the USK Multi-Staking pool.
You can acquire LPs to stake from a particular BOW pool tab. For example, to obtain WINK-USK LP, simply navigate to the 'Pools' section of BOW, find the WINK-USK LP page, and then provide WINK and USK in the required proportion, and you'll have an amount of WINK-USK LP you can now stake in the USK Multi-staking tab.
Stake LP
To stake LP tokens, once you have acquired USK LP tokens for your desired liquidity pair of interest (see here on how to do so), simply enter the amount you want to stake into the 'stake' field and select the LP you want to stake. After that you can simply enjoy your daily incentive rewards.
Unstake LP
To unstake LP tokens, simply select the LP you want to unstake and enter the amount of LP tokens you want to unstake under the 'Unstake' field. After that you can head to the corresponding liquidity pool in the 'Pools' tab or navigate directly from the 'Dashboard' tab to withdraw your liquidity if desired.
Last updated