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The BLUE dashboard provides key analytics for the Kujira blockchain, including:
KUJI price
Fully diluted value (FDV) of KUJI
Total liquid supply of KUJI
KUJI annual percentage rate (APR) over a 30-day range
Current block height
Average block time
Total number of Kujira network transactions
Inflation percentage
Token release schedule
Personal amount of staked KUJI
Graphical breakdown of total KUJI supply, including the treasury
Graphical breakdown of total USK supply, including backing collateral breakdown
The KUJI price on the BLUE dashboard is sourced from Coin Gecko's API.
The FDV of the KUJI token is calculated as the maximum supply of KUJI tokens after token vesting is finished, multiplied by the current KUJI token price.
The liquid supply refers to the unstaked portion of the circulating KUJI supply that is not locked up in a smart contract.
The current block height represents the total number of blocks produced by the Kujira blockchain.
The average block time is the average amount of time it takes to produce a new block.
The number of Kujira network transactions can give an estimate of total network activity.
The inflation percentage is the amount of new KUJI tokens created over time and is also a measure of existing token holder dilution.
Kujira has no inflation and the inflation percentage is always 0%.
The token release schedule tracks the release of all vesting KUJI from the Team, public, and private sales over time. As of November 19th 2022, both the public and private sale finished all vesting.
The graphical breakdown of the total KUJI supply shows up to date information about the number of Kujira blockchain native KUJI is currently either in the Community Pool, still unmigrated from Terra, part of the unused operational fund, still vesting, liquid, staked, or other. Hover over the text 'Community Pool' to see a detailed asset breakdown of the Treasury or navigate to the Senate section of Govern on BLUE to see a very clear breakdown of Treasury funds.
The graphical breakdown of the total USK supply shows the number of USK minted from each backing collateral option as well as the total amount of minted USK.